Turn FeedBefore/After into ItemBefore/After

To reduce the number of loops
This commit is contained in:
pictuga 2017-02-28 23:24:32 -10:00
parent fcc5e8a076
commit a8ac2ed1ca

@ -294,6 +294,55 @@ def ItemFill(item, options, feedurl='/', fast=False):
return True
def ItemBefore(item, options):
# return None if item deleted
if options.empty:
return None
if options.search:
if options.search not in item.title:
return None
return item
def ItemAfter(item, options):
if options.strip:
del item.desc
del item.content
if options.clip and item.desc and item.content:
item.content = item.desc + "<br/><br/><center>* * *</center><br/><br/>" + item.content
del item.desc
if not options.keep and not options.proxy:
del item.desc
if options.nolink and item.content:
content = lxml.html.fromstring(item.content)
for link in content.xpath('//a'):
item.content = lxml.etree.tostring(content)
if options.noref:
item.link = ''
if options.md:
conv = HTML2Text(baseurl=item.link)
conv.unicode_snob = True
if item.desc:
item.desc = conv.handle(item.desc)
if item.content:
item.content = conv.handle(item.content)
return item
def FeedFetch(url, options):
# basic url clean-up
if url is None:
@ -397,6 +446,11 @@ def FeedGather(rss, url, options):
item = ItemBefore(item, options)
if item is None:
item = ItemFix(item, url)
if time.time() - start_time > max_time >= 0 or i + 1 > max_item >= 0:
@ -404,10 +458,13 @@ def FeedGather(rss, url, options):
if ItemFill(item, options, url, True) is False:
if not options.proxy:
ItemFill(item, options, url)
item = ItemAfter(item, options)
queue = Queue()
for i in range(threads):
@ -437,55 +494,6 @@ def FeedGather(rss, url, options):
return rss
def FeedBefore(rss, options):
for i, item in enumerate(list(rss.items)):
if options.empty:
if options.search:
if options.search not in item.title:
return rss
def FeedAfter(rss, options):
for i, item in enumerate(list(rss.items)):
if options.strip:
del item.desc
del item.content
if options.clip and item.desc and item.content:
item.content = item.desc + "<br/><br/><center>* * *</center><br/><br/>" + item.content
del item.desc
if not options.keep and not options.proxy:
del item.desc
if options.nolink and item.content:
content = lxml.html.fromstring(item.content)
for link in content.xpath('//a'):
item.content = lxml.etree.tostring(content)
if options.noref:
item.link = ''
if options.md:
conv = HTML2Text(baseurl=item.link)
conv.unicode_snob = True
if item.desc:
item.desc = conv.handle(item.desc)
if item.content:
item.content = conv.handle(item.content)
return rss
def FeedFormat(rss, options):
if options.callback:
if re.match(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9\.]+$', options.callback) is not None:
@ -515,9 +523,7 @@ def process(url, cache=None, options=None):
options = Options(options)
if cache: crawler.sqlite_default = cache
rss = FeedFetch(url, options)
rss = FeedBefore(rss, options)
rss = FeedGather(rss, url, options)
rss = FeedAfter(rss, options)
return FeedFormat(rss, options)
@ -579,9 +585,7 @@ def cgi_app(environ, start_response):
start_response(headers['status'], list(headers.items()))
rss = FeedBefore(rss, options)
rss = FeedGather(rss, url, options)
rss = FeedAfter(rss, options)
out = FeedFormat(rss, options)
if not options.silent:
@ -648,9 +652,7 @@ def cli_app():
crawler.sqlite_default = os.path.expanduser('~/.cache/morss-cache.db')
rss = FeedFetch(url, options)
rss = FeedBefore(rss, options)
rss = FeedGather(rss, url, options)
rss = FeedAfter(rss, options)
out = FeedFormat(rss, options)
if not options.silent: