import sys import ssl import socket import zlib from io import BytesIO, StringIO import re import chardet from cgi import parse_header import lxml.html import time try: # python 2 from urllib2 import BaseHandler, HTTPCookieProcessor, Request, addinfourl, parse_keqv_list, parse_http_list, build_opener import mimetools except ImportError: # python 3 from urllib.request import BaseHandler, HTTPCookieProcessor, Request, addinfourl, parse_keqv_list, parse_http_list, build_opener import email try: # python 2 basestring except NameError: # python 3 basestring = unicode = str MIMETYPE = { 'xml': ['text/xml', 'application/xml', 'application/rss+xml', 'application/rdf+xml', 'application/atom+xml', 'application/xhtml+xml'], 'html': ['text/html', 'application/xhtml+xml', 'application/xml']} DEFAULT_UA = 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:25.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/25.0' def custom_handler(accept=None, strict=False, delay=None, encoding=None, basic=False): handlers = [] # as per urllib2 source code, these Handelers are added first # *unless* one of the custom handlers inherits from one of them # # [ProxyHandler, UnknownHandler, HTTPHandler, # HTTPDefaultErrorHandler, HTTPRedirectHandler, # FTPHandler, FileHandler, HTTPErrorProcessor] # & HTTPSHandler #handlers.append(DebugHandler()) handlers.append(SizeLimitHandler(100*1024)) # 100KiB handlers.append(HTTPCookieProcessor()) handlers.append(GZIPHandler()) handlers.append(HTTPEquivHandler()) handlers.append(HTTPRefreshHandler()) handlers.append(UAHandler(DEFAULT_UA)) if not basic: handlers.append(AutoRefererHandler()) handlers.append(EncodingFixHandler(encoding)) if accept: handlers.append(ContentNegociationHandler(MIMETYPE[accept], strict)) handlers.append(CacheHandler(force_min=delay)) return build_opener(*handlers) class DebugHandler(BaseHandler): handler_order = 2000 def http_request(self, req): print(repr(req.header_items())) return req def http_response(self, req, resp): print(resp.headers.__dict__) return resp https_request = http_request https_response = http_response class SizeLimitHandler(BaseHandler): """ Limit file size, defaults to 5MiB """ handler_order = 450 def __init__(self, limit=5*1024^2): self.limit = limit def http_response(self, req, resp): data = fp = BytesIO(data) old_resp = resp resp = addinfourl(fp, old_resp.headers, old_resp.url, old_resp.code) resp.msg = old_resp.msg return resp https_response = http_response def UnGzip(data): " Supports truncated files " return zlib.decompressobj(zlib.MAX_WBITS | 32).decompress(data) class GZIPHandler(BaseHandler): def http_request(self, req): req.add_unredirected_header('Accept-Encoding', 'gzip') return req def http_response(self, req, resp): if 200 <= resp.code < 300: if resp.headers.get('Content-Encoding') == 'gzip': data = data = UnGzip(data) resp.headers['Content-Encoding'] = 'identity' fp = BytesIO(data) old_resp = resp resp = addinfourl(fp, old_resp.headers, old_resp.url, old_resp.code) resp.msg = old_resp.msg return resp https_response = http_response https_request = http_request def detect_encoding(data, resp=None): if resp is not None: enc = resp.headers.get('charset') if enc is not None: return enc enc = parse_header(resp.headers.get('content-type', ''))[1].get('charset') if enc is not None: return enc match ='charset=["\']?([0-9a-zA-Z-]+)', data[:1000]) if match: return match.groups()[0].lower().decode() match ='encoding=["\']?([0-9a-zA-Z-]+)', data[:1000]) if match: return match.groups()[0].lower().decode() enc = chardet.detect(data[-2000:])['encoding'] if enc and enc != 'ascii': return enc return 'utf-8' class EncodingFixHandler(BaseHandler): def __init__(self, encoding=None): self.encoding = encoding def http_response(self, req, resp): maintype ='Content-Type', '').split('/')[0] if 200 <= resp.code < 300 and maintype == 'text': data = if not self.encoding: enc = detect_encoding(data, resp) else: enc = self.encoding if enc: data = data.decode(enc, 'replace') data = data.encode(enc) fp = BytesIO(data) old_resp = resp resp = addinfourl(fp, old_resp.headers, old_resp.url, old_resp.code) resp.msg = old_resp.msg return resp https_response = http_response class UAHandler(BaseHandler): def __init__(self, useragent=None): self.useragent = useragent def http_request(self, req): if self.useragent: req.add_unredirected_header('User-Agent', self.useragent) return req https_request = http_request class AutoRefererHandler(BaseHandler): def http_request(self, req): req.add_unredirected_header('Referer', 'http://%s' % return req https_request = http_request class ContentNegociationHandler(BaseHandler): " Handler for content negociation. Also parses " def __init__(self, accept=None, strict=False): self.accept = accept self.strict = strict def http_request(self, req): if self.accept is not None: if isinstance(self.accept, basestring): self.accept = (self.accept,) string = ','.join(self.accept) if self.strict: string += ',*/*;q=0.9' req.add_unredirected_header('Accept', string) return req def http_response(self, req, resp): contenttype ='Content-Type', '').split(';')[0] if 200 <= resp.code < 300 and self.accept is not None and self.strict and contenttype in MIMETYPE['html'] and contenttype not in self.accept: # opps, not what we were looking for, let's see if the html page suggests an alternative page of the right types data = links = lxml.html.fromstring(data[:10000]).findall('.//link[@rel="alternate"]') for link in links: if link.get('type', '') in self.accept: resp.code = 302 resp.msg = 'Moved Temporarily' resp.headers['location'] = link.get('href') fp = BytesIO(data) old_resp = resp resp = addinfourl(fp, old_resp.headers, old_resp.url, old_resp.code) resp.msg = old_resp.msg return resp https_request = http_request https_response = http_response class HTTPEquivHandler(BaseHandler): " Handler to support , since it defines HTTP headers " handler_order = 600 def http_response(self, req, resp): contenttype ='Content-Type', '').split(';')[0] if 200 <= resp.code < 300 and contenttype in MIMETYPE['html']: data = headers = lxml.html.fromstring(data[:10000]).findall('.//meta[@http-equiv]') for header in headers: resp.headers[header.get('http-equiv').lower()] = header.get('content') fp = BytesIO(data) old_resp = resp resp = addinfourl(fp, old_resp.headers, old_resp.url, old_resp.code) resp.msg = old_resp.msg return resp https_response = http_response class HTTPRefreshHandler(BaseHandler): handler_order = 700 # HTTPErrorProcessor has a handler_order of 1000 def http_response(self, req, resp): if 200 <= resp.code < 300: if resp.headers.get('refresh'): regex = r'(?i)^(?P[0-9]+)\s*;\s*url=(["\']?)(?P.+)\2$' match =, resp.headers.get('refresh')) if match: url = match.groupdict()['url'] if url: resp.code = 302 resp.msg = 'Moved Temporarily' resp.headers['location'] = url return resp https_response = http_response default_cache = {} class CacheHandler(BaseHandler): " Cache based on etags/last-modified " private_cache = False # False to behave like a CDN (or if you just don't care), True like a PC handler_order = 499 def __init__(self, cache=None, force_min=None): self.cache = cache or default_cache self.force_min = force_min # force_min (seconds) to bypass http headers, -1 forever, 0 never, -2 do nothing if not in cache def load(self, url): try: out = list(self.cache[url]) except KeyError: out = [None, None, unicode(), bytes(), 0] if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: out[2] = email.message_from_string(out[2] or unicode()) # headers else: out[2] = mimetools.Message(StringIO(out[2] or unicode())) return out def save(self, url, code, msg, headers, data, timestamp): self.cache[url] = (code, msg, unicode(headers), data, timestamp) def http_request(self, req): (code, msg, headers, data, timestamp) = self.load(req.get_full_url()) if 'etag' in headers: req.add_unredirected_header('If-None-Match', headers['etag']) if 'last-modified' in headers: req.add_unredirected_header('If-Modified-Since', headers.get('last-modified')) return req def http_open(self, req): (code, msg, headers, data, timestamp) = self.load(req.get_full_url()) # some info needed to process everything cache_control = parse_http_list(headers.get('cache-control', ())) cache_control += parse_http_list(headers.get('pragma', ())) cc_list = [x for x in cache_control if '=' not in x] cc_values = parse_keqv_list([x for x in cache_control if '=' in x]) cache_age = time.time() - timestamp # list in a simple way what to do when if req.get_header('Morss') == 'from_304': # for whatever reason, we need an uppercase # we're just in the middle of a dirty trick, use cache pass elif self.force_min == -2: if code is not None: # already in cache, perfect, use cache pass else: headers['Morss'] = 'from_cache' resp = addinfourl(BytesIO(), headers, req.get_full_url(), 409) resp.msg = 'Conflict' return resp elif code is None: # cache empty, refresh return None elif self.force_min == -1: # force use cache pass elif self.force_min == 0: # force refresh return None elif code == 301 and cache_age < 7*24*3600: # "301 Moved Permanently" has to be long as we want (awesome HTTP specs), let's say a week (why not?) # use force_min=0 if you want to bypass this (needed for a proper refresh) pass elif self.force_min is None and ('no-cache' in cc_list or 'no-store' in cc_list or ('private' in cc_list and not self.private)): # kindly follow web servers indications, refresh return None elif 'max-age' in cc_values and int(cc_values['max-age']) > cache_age: # server says it's still fine (and we trust him, if not, use force_min=0), use cache pass elif self.force_min is not None and self.force_min > cache_age: # still recent enough for us, use cache pass else: # according to the www, we have to refresh when nothing is said return None # return the cache as a response headers['morss'] = 'from_cache' # TODO delete the morss header from incoming pages, to avoid websites messing up with us resp = addinfourl(BytesIO(data), headers, req.get_full_url(), code) resp.msg = msg return resp def http_response(self, req, resp): # code for after-fetch, to know whether to save to hard-drive (if stiking to http headers' will) if resp.code == 304: return resp if ('cache-control' in resp.headers or 'pragma' in resp.headers) and self.force_min is None: cache_control = parse_http_list(resp.headers.get('cache-control', ())) cache_control += parse_http_list(resp.headers.get('pragma', ())) cc_list = [x for x in cache_control if '=' not in x] if 'no-cache' in cc_list or 'no-store' in cc_list or ('private' in cc_list and not self.private): # kindly follow web servers indications return resp if resp.headers.get('Morss') == 'from_cache': # it comes from cache, so no need to save it again return resp # save to disk data =, resp.code, resp.msg, resp.headers, data, time.time()) fp = BytesIO(data) old_resp = resp resp = addinfourl(fp, old_resp.headers, old_resp.url, old_resp.code) resp.msg = old_resp.msg return resp def http_error_304(self, req, fp, code, msg, headers): cache = list(self.load(req.get_full_url())) if cache[0]: cache[-1] = time.time(), *cache) new = Request(req.get_full_url(), headers=req.headers, unverifiable=True) new.add_unredirected_header('Morss', 'from_304') return, timeout=req.timeout) return None https_request = http_request https_open = http_open https_response = http_response class BaseCache: def __contains__(self, url): try: self[url] except KeyError: return False else: return True import sqlite3 class SQLiteCache(BaseCache): def __init__(self, filename=':memory:'): self.con = sqlite3.connect(filename or sqlite_default, detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES, check_same_thread=False) with self.con: self.con.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS data (url UNICODE PRIMARY KEY, code INT, msg UNICODE, headers UNICODE, data BLOB, timestamp INT)') self.con.execute('pragma journal_mode=WAL') def __del__(self): self.con.close() def __getitem__(self, url): row = self.con.execute('SELECT * FROM data WHERE url=?', (url,)).fetchone() if not row: raise KeyError return row[1:] def __setitem__(self, url, value): # value = (code, msg, headers, data, timestamp) value = list(value) value[3] = sqlite3.Binary(value[3]) # data value = tuple(value) if url in self: with self.con: self.con.execute('UPDATE data SET code=?, msg=?, headers=?, data=?, timestamp=? WHERE url=?', value + (url,)) else: with self.con: self.con.execute('INSERT INTO data VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)', (url,) + value) import pymysql.cursors class MySQLCacheHandler(BaseCache): " NB. Requires mono-threading, as pymysql isn't thread-safe " def __init__(self, user, password, database, host='localhost'): self.con = pymysql.connect(host=host, user=user, password=password, database=database, charset='utf8', autocommit=True) with self.con.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS data (url VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, code INT, msg TEXT, headers TEXT, data BLOB, timestamp INT)') def __del__(self): self.con.close() def __getitem__(self, url): cursor = self.con.cursor() cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM data WHERE url=%s', (url,)) row = cursor.fetchone() if not row: raise KeyError return row[1:] def __setitem__(self, url, value): # (code, msg, headers, data, timestamp) if url in self: with self.con.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute('UPDATE data SET code=%s, msg=%s, headers=%s, data=%s, timestamp=%s WHERE url=%s', value + (url,)) else: with self.con.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute('INSERT INTO data VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)', (url,) + value)