#!/usr/bin/python import sys import os from os.path import expanduser from lxml import etree import string import urllib2 from cookielib import CookieJar import chardet SERVER = True if SERVER: import httplib httplib.HTTPConnection.debuglevel = 1 import cgitb cgitb.enable() def log(txt): if not SERVER and os.getenv('DEBUG', False): print txt if SERVER: with open('morss.log', 'a') as file: if isinstance(txt, str): file.write(txt.encode('utf-8') + "\n") class Info: def __init__(self, item, feed): self.item = item self.feed = feed self.data = False self.page = False self.html = False self.con = False self.opener = False self.enc = False self.link = self.item.findtext('link') self.desc = self.item.xpath('description')[0] def fetch(self): log(self.link) if not self.findCache(): self.download() self.chardet() self.fetchDesc() self.save() log(self.enc) def parseHTML(self): if self.enc is False: self.page = etree.HTML(self.data) else: try: self.page = etree.HTML(self.data.decode(self.enc, 'ignore')) except ValueError: self.page = etree.HTML(self.data) def save(self): self.feed.save() def findCache(self): if self.feed.cache is not False: xpath = "//link[text()='" + self.link + "']/../description/text()" match = self.feed.cache.xpath(xpath) if len(match): log('cached') self.desc.text = match[0] return True return False def fetchDesc(self): self.parseHTML() match = self.page.xpath(self.feed.rule) if len(match): self.html = match[0] self.deleteTags() self.desc.text = etree.tostring(self.html).decode(self.enc, 'ignore') log('ok txt') else: log('no match') def download(self): try: cj = CookieJar() self.opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj)) self.con = self.opener.open(self.link.encode('utf-8')) self.data = self.con.read() except (urllib2.HTTPError, urllib2.URLError) as error: log(error) log('http error') def chardet(self): if self.con.headers.getparam('charset'): log('header') self.enc = self.con.headers.getparam('charset') return page = etree.HTML(self.data) header = page.xpath("//head/meta[@http-equiv='Content-Type']/@content") if len(header) and len(header[0].split("=")): log('meta') self.enc = header[0].split("=")[1] return header = page.xpath("//head/meta[@charset]/@charset") if len(header): log('meta2') self.enc = header[0] return log('chardet') self.enc = chardet.detect(self.data)['encoding'] def deleteTags(self): for tag in self.feed.trash: for elem in self.html.xpath(tag): elem.getparent().remove(elem) class Feed: def __init__(self, impl, data, cachePath): self.rulePath = 'rules' self.rule = '//article|//h1/..' self.trash = ['//script', '//iframe', '//object', '//noscript', '//form', '//h1'] self.max = 70 self.cachePath = cachePath self.cacheFile = False self.cache = False self.impl = impl self.items = [] self.rss = False self.out = False if self.impl == 'server': self.url = data self.xml = False else: self.url = False self.xml = data def save(self): self.out = etree.tostring(self.rss, xml_declaration=True, pretty_print=True) open(self.cacheFile, 'w').write(self.out) def getData(self): if self.impl == 'server': req = urllib2.Request(self.url) req.add_unredirected_header('User-Agent', '') self.xml = urllib2.urlopen(req).read() self.cleanXml() def setCache(self): if self.cache is not False: return self.parse() key = str(hash(self.rss.xpath('//channel/title/text()')[0])) self.cacheFile = self.cachePath + "/" + key log(self.cacheFile) if not os.path.exists(self.cachePath): os.makedirs(self.cachePath) if os.path.exists(self.cacheFile): self.cache = etree.XML(open(self.cacheFile, 'r').read()) def parse(self): if self.rss is not False: return self.rss = etree.XML(self.xml) def setItems(self): self.items = [Info(e, self) for e in self.rss.xpath('//item')] if self.max: self.items = self.items[:self.max] def fill(self): self.parseRules() log(self.rule) for item in self.items: item.fetch() def cleanXml(self): table = string.maketrans('', '') self.xml = self.xml.translate(table, table[:32]).lstrip() def parseRules(self): if self.impl == 'server': rules = open(self.rulePath, "r").read().split("\n\n") rules = [r.split('\n') for r in rules] for rule in rules: if rule[1] == self.url: self.rule = rule[2] return else: if len(sys.argv) > 1: self.rule = sys.argv[1] if __name__ == "__main__": if SERVER: print 'Content-Type: text/html\n' url = os.environ['REQUEST_URI'][len(os.environ['SCRIPT_NAME'])+1:] url = 'http://' + url.replace(' ', '%20') log(url) RSS = Feed('server', url, os.getcwd() + '/cache') else: xml = sys.stdin.read() cache = expanduser('~') + '/.cache/morss' RSS = Feed('liferea', xml, os.getcwd() + '/cache') RSS.getData() RSS.parse() RSS.setCache() RSS.setItems() RSS.fill() RSS.save() if SERVER or not os.getenv('DEBUG', False): print RSS.out else: print 'done'