# This file is part of morss # # Copyright (C) 2013-2020 pictuga # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any # later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along # with this program. If not, see . import os import re import time from datetime import datetime from fnmatch import fnmatch import lxml.etree import lxml.html from dateutil import tz from . import crawler, feeds, readabilite try: # python 2 from httplib import HTTPException from urlparse import parse_qs, urljoin, urlparse except ImportError: # python 3 from http.client import HTTPException from urllib.parse import parse_qs, urljoin, urlparse MAX_ITEM = int(os.getenv('MAX_ITEM', 5)) # cache-only beyond MAX_TIME = int(os.getenv('MAX_TIME', 2)) # cache-only after (in sec) LIM_ITEM = int(os.getenv('LIM_ITEM', 10)) # deletes what's beyond LIM_TIME = int(os.getenv('LIM_TIME', 2.5)) # deletes what's after DELAY = int(os.getenv('DELAY', 10 * 60)) # xml cache & ETag cache (in sec) TIMEOUT = int(os.getenv('TIMEOUT', 4)) # http timeout (in sec) class MorssException(Exception): pass def log(txt): if 'DEBUG' in os.environ: if 'REQUEST_URI' in os.environ: # when running on Apache open('morss.log', 'a').write("%s\n" % repr(txt)) else: # when using internal server or cli print(repr(txt)) def len_html(txt): if len(txt): return len(lxml.html.fromstring(txt).text_content()) else: return 0 def count_words(txt): if len(txt): return len(lxml.html.fromstring(txt).text_content().split()) return 0 class Options: def __init__(self, options=None, **args): if len(args): self.options = args self.options.update(options or {}) else: self.options = options or {} def __getattr__(self, key, default=None): if key in self.options: return self.options[key] else: return default def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.options[key] = value def __contains__(self, key): return key in self.options get = __getitem__ = __getattr__ def ItemFix(item, options, feedurl='/'): """ Improves feed items (absolute links, resolve feedburner links, etc) """ # check unwanted uppercase title if item.title is not None and len(item.title) > 20 and item.title.isupper(): item.title = item.title.title() # check if it includes link if not item.link: log('no link') return item # wikipedia daily highlight if fnmatch(feedurl, 'http*://*.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?*&feedformat=atom'): match = lxml.html.fromstring(item.desc).xpath('//b/a/@href') if len(match): item.link = match[0] log(item.link) # at user's election, use first if options.firstlink and (item.desc or item.content): match = lxml.html.fromstring(item.desc or item.content).xpath('//a/@href') if len(match): item.link = match[0] log(item.link) # check relative urls item.link = urljoin(feedurl, item.link) # google translate if fnmatch(item.link, 'http://translate.google.*/translate*u=*'): item.link = parse_qs(urlparse(item.link).query)['u'][0] log(item.link) # google if fnmatch(item.link, 'http://www.google.*/url?q=*'): item.link = parse_qs(urlparse(item.link).query)['q'][0] log(item.link) # google news if fnmatch(item.link, 'http://news.google.com/news/url*url=*'): item.link = parse_qs(urlparse(item.link).query)['url'][0] log(item.link) # pocket if fnmatch(item.link, 'https://getpocket.com/redirect?url=*'): item.link = parse_qs(urlparse(item.link).query)['url'][0] log(item.link) # facebook if fnmatch(item.link, 'https://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=*'): item.link = parse_qs(urlparse(item.link).query)['u'][0] log(item.link) # feedburner FIXME only works if RSS... item.NSMAP['feedburner'] = 'http://rssnamespace.org/feedburner/ext/1.0' match = item.rule_str('feedburner:origLink') if match: item.link = match # feedsportal match = re.search('/([0-9a-zA-Z]{20,})/story01.htm$', item.link) if match: url = match.groups()[0].split('0') t = {'A': '0', 'B': '.', 'C': '/', 'D': '?', 'E': '-', 'F': '=', 'G': '&', 'H': ',', 'I': '_', 'J': '%', 'K': '+', 'L': 'http://', 'M': 'https://', 'N': '.com', 'O': '.co.uk', 'P': ';', 'Q': '|', 'R': ':', 'S': 'www.', 'T': '#', 'U': '$', 'V': '~', 'W': '!', 'X': '(', 'Y': ')', 'Z': 'Z'} item.link = ''.join([(t[s[0]] if s[0] in t else s[0]) + s[1:] for s in url[1:]]) log(item.link) # reddit if urlparse(feedurl).netloc == 'www.reddit.com': match = lxml.html.fromstring(item.content).xpath('//a[text()="[link]"]/@href') if len(match): item.link = match[0] log(item.link) return item def ItemFill(item, options, feedurl='/', fast=False): """ Returns True when it has done its best """ if not item.link: log('no link') return True log(item.link) # download delay = -1 if fast or options.fast: # force cache, don't fetch delay = -2 elif options.force: # force refresh delay = 0 else: delay = 24*60*60 # 24h try: req = crawler.adv_get(url=item.link, delay=delay, timeout=TIMEOUT) except (IOError, HTTPException) as e: log('http error') return False # let's just delete errors stuff when in cache mode if req['contenttype'] not in crawler.MIMETYPE['html'] and req['contenttype'] != 'text/plain': log('non-text page') return True if not req['data']: log('empty page') return True out = readabilite.get_article(req['data'], url=req['url'], encoding_in=req['encoding'], encoding_out='unicode') if out is not None: item.content = out if options.resolve: item.link = req['url'] return True def ItemBefore(item, options): # return None if item deleted if options.search: if options.search not in item.title: item.remove() return None return item def ItemAfter(item, options): if options.clip and item.desc and item.content: item.content = item.desc + "

" + item.content del item.desc if options.nolink and item.content: content = lxml.html.fromstring(item.content) for link in content.xpath('//a'): log(link.text_content()) link.drop_tag() item.content = lxml.etree.tostring(content, method='html') if options.noref: item.link = '' return item def FeedFetch(url, options): # fetch feed delay = DELAY if options.force: delay = 0 try: req = crawler.adv_get(url=url, post=options.post, follow=('rss' if not options.items else None), delay=delay, timeout=TIMEOUT * 2) except (IOError, HTTPException): raise MorssException('Error downloading feed') if options.items: # using custom rules ruleset = {} ruleset['items'] = options.items ruleset['title'] = options.get('title', '//head/title') ruleset['desc'] = options.get('desc', '//head/meta[@name="description"]/@content') ruleset['item_title'] = options.get('item_title', '.') ruleset['item_link'] = options.get('item_link', './@href|.//a/@href|ancestor::a/@href') if options.item_content: ruleset['item_content'] = options.item_content if options.item_time: ruleset['item_time'] = options.item_time rss = feeds.parse(req['data'], encoding=req['encoding'], ruleset=ruleset) rss = rss.convert(feeds.FeedXML) else: try: rss = feeds.parse(req['data'], url=url, encoding=req['encoding']) rss = rss.convert(feeds.FeedXML) # contains all fields, otherwise much-needed data can be lost except TypeError: log('random page') log(req['contenttype']) raise MorssException('Link provided is not a valid feed') return req['url'], rss def FeedGather(rss, url, options): size = len(rss.items) start_time = time.time() # custom settings lim_item = LIM_ITEM lim_time = LIM_TIME max_item = MAX_ITEM max_time = MAX_TIME if options.cache: max_time = 0 if options.newest: # :newest take the newest items now = datetime.now(tz.tzutc()) sorted_items = sorted(rss.items, key=lambda x:x.updated or x.time or now, reverse=True) else: # default behavior, take the first items (in appearing order) sorted_items = list(rss.items) for i, item in enumerate(sorted_items): if time.time() - start_time > lim_time >= 0 or i + 1 > lim_item >= 0: log('dropped') item.remove() continue item = ItemBefore(item, options) if item is None: continue item = ItemFix(item, options, url) if time.time() - start_time > max_time >= 0 or i + 1 > max_item >= 0: if not options.proxy: if ItemFill(item, options, url, True) is False: item.remove() continue else: if not options.proxy: ItemFill(item, options, url) item = ItemAfter(item, options) if options.ad: new = rss.items.append() new.title = "Are you hungry?" new.desc = "Eat some Galler chocolate :)" new.link = "http://www.galler.com/" new.time = "5 Oct 2013 22:42" log(len(rss.items)) log(time.time() - start_time) return rss def FeedFormat(rss, options, encoding='utf-8'): if options.callback: if re.match(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9\.]+$', options.callback) is not None: out = '%s(%s)' % (options.callback, rss.tojson(encoding='unicode')) return out if encoding == 'unicode' else out.encode(encoding) else: raise MorssException('Invalid callback var name') elif options.format == 'json': if options.indent: return rss.tojson(encoding=encoding, indent=4) else: return rss.tojson(encoding=encoding) elif options.format == 'csv': return rss.tocsv(encoding=encoding) elif options.format == 'html': if options.indent: return rss.tohtml(encoding=encoding, pretty_print=True) else: return rss.tohtml(encoding=encoding) else: # i.e. format == 'rss' if options.indent: return rss.torss(xml_declaration=(not encoding == 'unicode'), encoding=encoding, pretty_print=True) else: return rss.torss(xml_declaration=(not encoding == 'unicode'), encoding=encoding) def process(url, cache=None, options=None): if not options: options = [] options = Options(options) if cache: crawler.default_cache = crawler.SQLiteCache(cache) url, rss = FeedFetch(url, options) rss = FeedGather(rss, url, options) return FeedFormat(rss, options, 'unicode')