
302 lines
7.9 KiB

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<h1>RSS feed by morss</h1>
<p>Your RSS feed is <strong style="color: green">ready</strong>. You
can enter the following url in your newsreader:</p>
<div class="input-combo">
<input id="url" readonly="readonly"/>
<span class="button" onclick="copy_link()" title="Copy" onclick_title="Copied">
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<form onchange="open_feed()">
More options: Output the
<option value="">full-text</option>
<option value=":proxy">original</option>
<option value=":clip" title="original + full-text: keep the original description above the full article. Useful for reddit feeds for example, to keep the comment links">combined (?)</option>
feed as
<option value="">RSS</option>
<option value=":format=json:cors">JSON</option>
<option value=":format=html">HTML</option>
<option value=":format=csv">CSV</option>
using the
<option value="">standard</option>
<option value=":firstlink" title="Pull the article from the first available link in the description, instead of the standard link. Useful for Twitter feeds for example, to get the articles referred to in tweets rather than the tweet itself">first (?)</option>
link of the
<option value="">first</option>
<option value=":newest" title="Select feed items by publication date (instead of appearing order)">newest (?)</option>
items and
<option value="">keep</option>
<option value=":nolink:noref">remove</option>
<input type="hidden" value="" name="extra_options"/>
<p>You can find a <em>preview</em> of the feed below. You need a <em>feed reader</em> for optimal use</p>
<p>Click <a href="/">here</a> to go back to morss and/or to use the tool on another feed</p>
<div id="header" dir="auto">
<xsl:value-of select="rdf:RDF/rssfake:channel/rssfake:title|rss/channel/title|atom:feed/atom:title|atom03:feed/atom03:title"/>
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<div id="content">
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<div class="item" dir="auto">
<a target="_blank"><xsl:attribute name="href"><xsl:value-of select="rssfake:link|link|atom:link/@href|atom03:link/@href"/></xsl:attribute>
<xsl:value-of select="rssfake:title|title|atom:title|atom03:title"/>
<div class="desc">
<xsl:copy-of select="rssfake:description|description|atom:summary|atom03:summary"/>
<div class="content">
<xsl:copy-of select="content:encoded|atom:content|atom03:content"/>
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function copy_content(input) {
function copy_link() {
function parse_location() {
return (window.location.pathname +^\/(?:(:[^\/]+)\/)?(.*$)$/).slice(1)
function open_feed() {
var url = parse_location()[1]
var options = Array.from(document.forms[0].elements).map(x=>x.value).join('')
var target = '/' + (options ? options + '/' : '') + url
if (target != window.location.pathname)
window.location.href = target