Get full text RSS feeds
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pictuga 9815794a97 sheet.xsl: make text more self explanatory 2020-05-27 21:42:00 +02:00
morss crawler: clean up encoding detection code 2020-05-27 21:35:24 +02:00
www sheet.xsl: make text more self explanatory 2020-05-27 21:42:00 +02:00
Dockerfile docker: pip install local 2020-04-19 13:25:53 +02:00
LICENSE Rename :theforce into :force 2020-05-13 11:49:15 +02:00 Fix app definition for uwsgi 2020-04-13 15:30:09 +02:00 Merge .xsl & html template 2020-04-15 22:30:45 +02:00

Morss - Get full-text RSS feeds

GNU AGPLv3 code

Upstream source code:
Github mirror (for Issues & Pull requests):

This tool's goal is to get full-text RSS feeds out of striped RSS feeds, commonly available on internet. Indeed most newspapers only make a small description available to users in their rss feeds, which makes the RSS feed rather useless. So this tool intends to fix that problem.

This tool opens the links from the rss feed, then downloads the full article from the newspaper website and puts it back in the rss feed.

Morss also provides additional features, such as: .csv and json export, extended control over output. A strength of morss is its ability to deal with broken feeds, and to replace tracking links with direct links to the actual content.

Morss can also generate feeds from html and json files (see, which for instance makes it possible to get feeds for Facebook or Twitter, using hand-written rules (ie. there's no automatic detection of links to build feeds). Please mind that feeds based on html files may stop working unexpectedly, due to html structure changes on the target website.

Additionally morss can detect rss feeds in html pages' <meta>.

You can use this program online for free at

Some features of morss:

  • Read RSS/Atom feeds
  • Create RSS feeds from json/html pages
  • Export feeds as RSS/JSON/CSV/HTML
  • Fetch full-text content of feed items
  • Follow 301/meta redirects
  • Recover xml feeds with corrupt encoding
  • Supports gzip-compressed http content
  • HTTP caching with 3 different backends (in-memory/sqlite/mysql)
  • Works as server/cli tool
  • Deobfuscate various tracking links


You do need:

  • python >= 2.6 (python 3 is supported)
  • lxml for xml parsing
  • bs4 for badly-formatted html pages
  • dateutil to parse feed dates
  • chardet
  • six, a dependency of chardet
  • pymysql

Simplest way to get these:

pip install git+

The dependency lxml is fairly long to install (especially on Raspberry Pi, as C code needs to be compiled). If possible on your distribution, try installing it with the system package manager.

You may also need:

  • Apache, with python-cgi support, to run on a server
  • a fast internet connection


morss accepts some arguments, to lightly alter the output of morss. Arguments may need to have a value (usually a string or a number). In the different "Use cases" below is detailed how to pass those arguments to morss.

The arguments are:

  • Change what morss does
    • json: output as JSON
    • html: outpout as HTML
    • csv: outpout as CSV
    • proxy: doesn't fill the articles
    • clip: stick the full article content under the original feed content (useful for twitter)
    • search=STRING: does a basic case-sensitive search in the feed
  • Advanced
    • csv: export to csv
    • indent: returns indented XML or JSON, takes more place, but human-readable
    • nolink: drop links, but keeps links' inner text
    • noref: drop items' link
    • cache: only take articles from the cache (ie. don't grab new articles' content), so as to save time
    • debug: to have some feedback from the script execution. Useful for debugging
    • force: force refetch the rss feed and articles
    • silent: don't output the final RSS (useless on its own, but can be nice when debugging)
  • http server only
    • callback=NAME: for JSONP calls
    • cors: allow Cross-origin resource sharing (allows XHR calls from other servers)
    • txt: changes the http content-type to txt (for faster "view-source:")
  • Custom feeds: you can turn any HTML page into a RSS feed using morss, using xpath rules. The article content will be fetched as usual (with readabilite). Please note that you will have to replace any / in your rule with a | when using morss as a webserver
    • items: (mandatory to activate the custom feeds function) xpath rule to match all the RSS entries
    • item_link: xpath rule relative to items to point to the entry's link
    • item_title: entry's title
    • item_content: entry's description
    • item_time: entry's date & time (accepts a wide range of time formats)

Use cases

morss will auto-detect what "mode" to use.

Running on a server

Via mod_cgi/FastCGI with Apache/nginx

For this, you'll want to change a bit the architecture of the files, for example into something like this.

├── cgi
│   │
│   ├──
│   ├── morss
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   └── ...
│   │
│   ├── dateutil
│   └── ...
├── .htaccess
├── index.html
└── ...

For this, you need to make sure your host allows python script execution. This method uses HTTP calls to fetch the RSS feeds, which will be handled through mod_cgi for example on Apache severs.

Please pay attention to permissions for it to be executable. Also ensure that the provided /www/.htaccess works well with your server.

Using uWSGI

Running this command should do:

uwsgi --http :8080 --plugin python --wsgi-file

Using Gunicorn

gunicorn morss:cgi_standalone_app

Using docker

Build & run

docker build -t morss
docker run -p 8080:8080 morss

In one line

docker run -p 8080:8080 $(docker build -q

Using morss' internal HTTP server

Morss can run its own HTTP server. The later should start when you run morss without any argument, on port 8080.


You can change the port like this morss 9000.

Passing arguments

Then visit:


For example: http://morss.example/:clip/

(Brackets indicate optional text)

The part is only needed if your server doesn't support the Apache redirect rule set in the provided .htaccess.

Works like a charm with Tiny Tiny RSS, and most probably other clients.

As a CLI application


morss [argwithoutvalue] [argwithvalue=value] [...] FEEDURL

For example: morss debug

(Brackets indicate optional text)

As a newsreader hook

To use it, the newsreader Liferea is required (unless other newsreaders provide the same kind of feature), since custom scripts can be run on top of the RSS feed, using its output as an RSS feed.

To use this script, you have to enable "(Unix) command" in liferea feed settings, and use the command:

morss [argwithoutvalue] [argwithvalue=value] [...] FEEDURL

For example: morss

(Brackets indicate optional text)

As a python library

Quickly get a full-text feed:

>>> import morss
>>> xml_string = morss.process('')
>>> xml_string[:50]
"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\n<?xml-style"

Using cache and passing arguments:

>>> import morss
>>> url = ''
>>> cache = '/tmp/morss-cache.db' # sqlite cache location
>>> options = {'csv':True}
>>> xml_string = morss.process(url, cache, options)
>>> xml_string[:50]
'{"title": "BBC News - Home", "desc": "The latest s'

morss.process is actually a wrapper around simpler function. It's still possible to call the simpler functions, to have more control on what's happening under the hood.

Doing it step-by-step:

import morss, morss.crawler

url = 'http://newspaper.example/feed.xml'
options = morss.Options(csv=True) # arguments
morss.crawler.sqlite_default = '/tmp/morss-cache.db' # sqlite cache location

url, rss = morss.FeedFetch(url, options) # this only grabs the RSS feed
rss = morss.FeedGather(rss, url, options) # this fills the feed and cleans it up

output = morss.FeedFormat(rss, options, 'unicode') # formats final feed

Cache information

morss uses caching to make loading faster. There are 3 possible cache backends (visible in morss/

  • {}: a simple python in-memory dict() object
  • SQLiteCache: sqlite3 cache. Default file location is in-memory (i.e. it will be cleared every time the program is run
  • MySQLCacheHandler


Length limitation

When parsing long feeds, with a lot of items (100+), morss might take a lot of time to parse it, or might even run into a memory overflow on some shared hosting plans (limits around 10Mb), in which case you might want to adjust the different values at the top of the script.

  • MAX_TIME sets the maximum amount of time spent fetching articles, more time might be spent taking older articles from cache. -1 for unlimited.
  • MAX_ITEM sets the maximum number of articles to fetch. -1 for unlimited. More articles will be taken from cache following the nexts settings.
  • LIM_TIME sets the maximum amount of time spent working on the feed (whether or not it's already cached). Articles beyond that limit will be dropped from the feed. -1 for unlimited.
  • LIM_ITEM sets the maximum number of article checked, limiting both the number of articles fetched and taken from cache. Articles beyond that limit will be dropped from the feed, even if they're cached. -1 for unlimited.

Other settings

  • DELAY sets the browser cache delay, only for HTTP clients
  • TIMEOUT sets the HTTP timeout when fetching rss feeds and articles

Content matching

The content of articles is grabbed with our own readability fork. This means that most of the time the right content is matched. However sometimes it fails, therefore some tweaking is required. Most of the time, what has to be done is to add some "rules" in the main script file in readability (not in morss).

Most of the time when hardly nothing is matched, it means that the main content of the article is made of images, videos, pictures, etc., which readability doesn't detect. Also, readability has some trouble to match content of very small articles.

morss will also try to figure out whether the full content is already in place (for those websites which understood the whole point of RSS feeds). However this detection is very simple, and only works if the actual content is put in the "content" section in the feed and not in the "summary" section.


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