
286 lines
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<h1>RSS feed by morss</h1>
<p>Your RSS feed is <strong style="color: green">ready</strong>. You
can enter the following url in your newsreader:</p>
<div class="input-combo">
<input id="url" readonly="readonly"/>
<span class="button" onclick="copy_link()" title="Copy" onclick_title="Copied">
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<form onchange="open_feed()">
More options: Output the
<option value="">full-text</option>
<option value=":proxy">original</option>
<option value=":clip">original + full-text</option>
feed as
<option value="">RSS</option>
<option value=":json:cors">JSON</option>
<option value=":html">HTML</option>
<option value=":csv">CSV</option>
<option value="">the standard link</option>
<option value=":firstlink" title="Useful for Twitter feeds for example, to get the articles referred to in tweets rather than the tweet itself">the first link from the description (?)</option>
<option value="">keep</option>
<option value=":nolink:noref">remove</option>
<input type="hidden" value="" name="extra_options"/>
<p>Click <a href="/">here</a> to go back to morss</p>
<div id="header" dir="auto">
<xsl:value-of select="rdf:RDF/rssfake:channel/rssfake:title|rss/channel/title|atom:feed/atom:title|atom03:feed/atom03:title"/>
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function copy_content(input) {
function copy_link() {
function parse_location() {
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function open_feed() {
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