332 lines
9.3 KiB
332 lines
9.3 KiB
import lxml.etree
import lxml.html
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import re
def parse(data, encoding=None):
if encoding:
parser = lxml.html.HTMLParser(remove_blank_text=True, remove_comments=True, encoding=encoding)
parser = lxml.html.HTMLParser(remove_blank_text=True, remove_comments=True)
return lxml.html.fromstring(BeautifulSoup(data, 'lxml').prettify('utf-8'), parser=parser)
def count_words(string):
""" Quick word count
Simply assumes that all words are 5 letter long.
And so in about every language (sorry chinese).
Basically skips spaces in the count. """
if string is None:
return 0
i = 0
count = 0
while True:
if string[i] not in "\r\n\t ":
count += 1
i += 6
i += 1
except IndexError:
return count
def count_content(node):
# count words and imgs
return count_words(node.text_content()) + len(node.findall('.//img'))
def percentile(N, P):
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/7464107
n = max(int(round(P * len(N) + 0.5)), 2)
return N[n-2]
class_bad = ['comment', 'community', 'extra', 'foot',
'sponsor', 'pagination', 'pager', 'tweet', 'twitter', 'com-', 'masthead',
'media', 'meta', 'related', 'shopping', 'tags', 'tool', 'author', 'about',
'head', 'robots-nocontent', 'combx', 'disqus', 'menu', 'remark', 'rss',
'shoutbox', 'sidebar', 'ad-', 'agegate', 'popup', 'sharing', 'share',
'social', 'contact', 'footnote', 'outbrain', 'promo', 'scroll', 'hidden',
'widget', 'hide']
regex_bad = re.compile('|'.join(class_bad), re.I)
class_good = ['and', 'article', 'body', 'column', 'main',
'shadow', 'content', 'entry', 'hentry', 'main', 'page', 'pagination',
'post', 'text', 'blog', 'story', 'par', 'editorial']
regex_good = re.compile('|'.join(class_good), re.I)
tags_junk = ['script', 'head', 'iframe', 'object', 'noscript',
'param', 'embed', 'layer', 'applet', 'style', 'form', 'input', 'textarea',
'button', 'footer', 'link', 'meta']
tags_bad = tags_junk + ['a', 'aside']
tags_good = ['h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'article', 'p', 'cite', 'section', 'figcaption',
'figure', 'em', 'strong', 'pre', 'br', 'hr', 'headline']
tags_meaning = ['a', 'abbr', 'address', 'acronym', 'audio', 'article', 'aside',
'b', 'bdi', 'bdo', 'big', 'blockquote', 'br', 'caption', 'cite', 'center',
'code', 'col', 'colgroup', 'data', 'dd', 'del', 'details', 'description',
'dfn', 'dl', 'font', 'dt', 'em', 'figure', 'figcaption', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3',
'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'hr', 'i', 'img', 'ins', 'kbd', 'li', 'main', 'mark',
'nav', 'ol', 'p', 'pre', 'q', 'ruby', 'rp', 'rt', 's', 'samp', 'small',
'source', 'strike', 'strong', 'sub', 'summary', 'sup', 'table', 'tbody',
'td', 'tfoot', 'th', 'thead', 'time', 'tr', 'track', 'tt', 'u', 'ul', 'var',
'wbr', 'video']
# adapted from tt-rss source code, to keep even as shells
tags_void = ['img', 'hr', 'br'] # to keep even if empty
attributes_fine = ['title', 'src', 'href', 'type', 'value']
def score_node(node):
" Score individual node "
score = 0
class_id = node.get('class', '') + node.get('id', '')
if (isinstance(node, lxml.html.HtmlComment)
or isinstance(node, lxml.html.HtmlProcessingInstruction)):
return 0
if node.tag in tags_junk:
score += -1 # actuall -2 as tags_junk is included tags_bad
if node.tag in tags_bad:
score += -1
if regex_bad.search(class_id):
score += -1
if node.tag in tags_good:
score += 4
if regex_good.search(class_id):
score += 3
wc = count_words(node.text_content())
score += min(int(wc/10), 3) # give 1pt bonus for every 10 words, max of 3
if wc != 0:
wca = count_words(' '.join([x.text_content() for x in node.findall('.//a')]))
score = score * ( 1 - float(wca)/wc )
return score
def score_all(node):
" Fairly dumb loop to score all worthwhile nodes. Tries to be fast "
for child in node:
score = score_node(child)
child.attrib['seen'] = 'yes, ' + str(int(score))
if score > 0 or len(list(child.iterancestors())) <= 2:
spread_score(child, score)
def set_score(node, value):
node.attrib['morss_score'] = str(float(value))
def get_score(node):
return float(node.attrib.get('morss_score', 0))
def incr_score(node, delta):
set_score(node, get_score(node) + delta)
def get_all_scores(node):
return {x:get_score(x) for x in list(node.iter()) if get_score(x) != 0}
def spread_score(node, score):
" Spread the node's score to its parents, on a linear way "
delta = score / 2
for ancestor in [node,] + list(node.iterancestors()):
if score >= 1 or ancestor is node:
incr_score(ancestor, score)
score -= delta
def clean_root(root, keep_threshold=None):
for node in list(root):
# bottom-up approach, i.e. starting with children before cleaning current node
clean_root(node, keep_threshold)
clean_node(node, keep_threshold)
def clean_node(node, keep_threshold=None):
parent = node.getparent()
if parent is None:
# this is <html/> (or a removed element waiting for GC)
if keep_threshold is not None and get_score(node) >= keep_threshold:
# high score, so keep
gdparent = parent.getparent()
# remove shitty tags
if node.tag in tags_junk:
# remove shitty class/id FIXME TODO too efficient, might want to add a toggle
class_id = node.get('class', '') + node.get('id', '')
if len(regex_bad.findall(class_id)) >= 2:
# remove shitty link
if node.tag == 'a' and len(list(node.iter())) > 3:
# remove comments
if isinstance(node, lxml.html.HtmlComment) or isinstance(node, lxml.html.HtmlProcessingInstruction):
# remove if too many kids & too high link density
wc = count_words(node.text_content())
if wc != 0 and len(list(node.iter())) > 3:
wca = count_words(' '.join([x.text_content() for x in node.findall('.//a')]))
if float(wca)/wc > 0.8:
# squash text-less elements shells
if node.tag in tags_void:
# keep 'em
elif node.tag in tags_meaning:
# remove if content-less
if not count_content(node):
# squash non-meaningful if no direct text
content = (node.text or '') + ' '.join([child.tail or '' for child in node])
if not count_words(content):
# for http://vice.com/fr/
if node.tag == 'img' and 'data-src' in node.attrib:
node.attrib['src'] = node.attrib['data-src']
# clean the node's attributes
for attrib in node.attrib:
if attrib not in attributes_fine:
del node.attrib[attrib]
# br2p
if node.tag == 'br':
if gdparent is None:
if not count_words(node.tail):
# if <br/> is at the end of a div (to avoid having <p/>)
# set up new node
new_node = lxml.html.Element(parent.tag)
new_node.text = node.tail
for child in node.itersiblings():
# delete br
node.tail = None
gdparent.insert(gdparent.index(parent)+1, new_node)
def lowest_common_ancestor(nodeA, nodeB, max_depth=None):
ancestorsA = list(nodeA.iterancestors())
ancestorsB = list(nodeB.iterancestors())
if max_depth is not None:
ancestorsA = ancestorsA[:max_depth]
ancestorsB = ancestorsB[:max_depth]
ancestorsA.insert(0, nodeA)
ancestorsB.insert(0, nodeB)
for ancestorA in ancestorsA:
if ancestorA in ancestorsB:
return ancestorA
return nodeA # should always find one tho, at least <html/>, but needed for max_depth
def rank_grades(grades):
# largest score to smallest
return sorted(grades.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
def get_best_node(ranked_grades):
" To pick the best (raw) node. Another function will clean it "
if len(ranked_grades) == 1:
return ranked_grades[0]
lowest = lowest_common_ancestor(ranked_grades[0][0], ranked_grades[1][0], 3)
return lowest
def get_article(data, url=None, encoding=None):
" Input a raw html string, returns a raw html string of the article "
html = parse(data, encoding)
scores = rank_grades(get_all_scores(html))
if not len(scores):
return None
best = get_best_node(scores)
keep_threshold = percentile([x[1] for x in scores], 0.1)
clean_root(best, keep_threshold)
wc = count_words(best.text_content())
wca = count_words(' '.join([x.text_content() for x in best.findall('.//a')]))
if wc - wca < 50 or float(wca) / wc > 0.3:
return None
if url:
return lxml.etree.tostring(best, pretty_print=True)