Change README to enjoy Github syntax highlighting

pictuga 2014-05-21 12:46:48 +02:00
parent 433374b227
commit 49f0be1919
1 changed files with 16 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -97,20 +97,22 @@ For example: `python2.7 PATH/TO/MORSS/
The code was not optimized to be used as a library. Therefore you can't really pass options to morss (see Arguments above), unless you rewrite the `ParseOptions` class.
However here is a quick draft of what your code should you like if you intend to use morss as a library.
import morss
url = 'http://newspaper.example/feed.xml'
options = morss.ParseOptions() # there's no easy way to pass arguments by hand from python so far...
cache_path = '/tmp/morss-cache' # cache folder, needs write permission
url, cache = Init(url, cache_path, options)
import morss
url = 'http://newspaper.example/feed.xml'
options = morss.ParseOptions() # there's no easy way to pass arguments by hand from python so far...
cache_path = '/tmp/morss-cache' # cache folder, needs write permission
url, cache = Init(url, cache_path, options)
RSS = Fetch(url, cache, options) # this only grabs the RSS feed
RSS = Gather(RSS, url, cache, options) # this fills the feed and cleans it up
After(RSS, options) # formats final feed
RSS = Fetch(url, cache, options) # this only grabs the RSS feed
RSS = Gather(RSS, url, cache, options) # this fills the feed and cleans it up
After(RSS, options) # formats final feed
output_xml = rss.tostring(xml_declaration=True, encoding='UTF-8')
output_json = rss.tojson()
output_json_indented = rss.tojson(indent=4)
output_csv = rss.tocsv()
output_xml = rss.tostring(xml_declaration=True, encoding='UTF-8')
output_json = rss.tojson()
output_json_indented = rss.tojson(indent=4)
output_csv = rss.tocsv()
##Cache information